Облик игле гусенице кашике је сличан зубима, његове компоненте су углавном зуби, а комбинација врха зуба зуба кашике. У одговарајућој производњи и производњи биће у складу са стандардним процесом обраде до одговарајуће производње. Bucket tooth pin has a wide range of application in the application of excavator accessories.When it is used, it is also convenient for people to use it.Cutter bucket tooth pin shape is similar to the teeth, its components are mainly by the teeth, and the tooth tip combination of bucket teeth.In the corresponding production and manufacturing, it will be in accordance with the standard processing process to the corresponding manufacturing.Bucket tooth pin has a wide range of application in the application of excavator accessories.When it is used, it is also convenient for people to use it.